Week 10 in Primary 1
The kids were very busy learners this week.
The kids have been working on reading both the pictures and the words in their books. They have been practicing choosing books that they can read the words in. They have also been practicing pointing to the words of the text and making sure what they say matches up to what is in the book. They have been reading independently and with a partner this week.
In writing, the kids have continued to write true stories about themselves. They have been focusing on the writing process. This week the kids have been writing about a time their family gathered for a celebration.
- The kids practiced describing a rectangle (sides and vertices)
- They were introduced to number stories. Using counters, they represented addition problems.
Science/Social Studies
This week the kids were introduced to seasons. They have learned that the seasons make a pattern that can be observed each year. They have learned that the seasons look different in countries around the world. We have looked closely at fall and winter, and will look closely at spring and summer next week.
As you may have seen already, when learning about winter and snow, the kids created their own snow removal tool by using only a piece of tinfoil, 6 popsicle sticks, an arm’s length of tape. Most first attempts were unsuccessful. However, with a few modifications, most second attempts were successful. The kids have enjoyed the snow and water beads sensory table this week.
There is no school on Thursday, October 19, and Friday, October 20 do to the Tihar Break. School will resume on Monday, October 23.
As you may have seen already on the “Important News from Lincoln School” email sent out on October 10th “Trunk or Treat” will take place on October 27 at L-Block. If you would like to participate in this, please send 300 Rupees with your child to give to Mr. Jeremiah. He will then give your child a trick or treat bag, which is the entry ticket to the event.
Take Home Folder
Please send the folder back with your child each day.
This weekend, I would recommend logging into Raz-Kids so that your child may listen to different stories. Also, lessons J.1-J.8 under Addition Up to 10 on IXL would reinforce what we did this week in class.
Kindest Regards,
Colleen and Tripta