Week 20 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
The kids were invited back to see the rollercoaster creations by the Middle School students. They had a great time asking questions about how long it took to make and how they made it.
In reading, the kids are learning to read bigger and more challenging books. At the beginning of the week, they compared books they are reading now to the books they read at the beginning of P1. They noticed that there are more words on the pages, more lines, and fewer pictures. They are aware that they need to use all of their reading powers to figure out new, tricky words.
In writing, the kids began a new unit of study. They are learning to write “How-to” books. The kids will be writing teaching books. The kids have begun writing on topics such as: How to brush your teeth and how to write a story.
In math, the kids continue to solve number stories by drawing pictures, using their fingers, or using counters. The kids also learned how to break apart numbers in the teens by creating a group of ten and stating how many ones were left over.
In science, the kids continue to explore and learn about animals. This week they learned about birds, amphibians, and habitats. They are able to compare the characteristics of birds, reptiles, mammals, and fish. They have begun to work on their graphic organizers which will be used to create their animal poster.
In social studies, the kids learned about goods and services. They are able to define, identify, and discuss the differences.
Just as a reminder, when working at home Raz-Kids and IXL are an excellent resource for reading and math.
Also, please remember to order your son/daughter’s lunch by the end of the weekend.
In regards to the field trip to the Central Zoo on Monday, February 5, please let me know by Friday, January 26 if you plan to join us.