January 12 News

Grade 2 News

We’re Back…
Grade 2 came back after a nice long break and were ready to get right to work. We had a very smooth return to school. We began the week with some reminders about classroom rules, roles, and responsibilities. We ended the week back into our regular schedule.

This is our last week of working with ramps. I borrowed some “fast” cars from the Pre-K classroom. Students had the opportunity to test out many different ramp designs in order to get their cars to go as far as possible. Next week we will be writing our conclusions and moving on to our science unit on the composition of the Earth and the forces which shape the Earth’s surface.
We spent the week on our mid-year Assessment in preparation for our Math work for the second semester.
Social Studies
We are taking a break from our service learning project to begin a Map study unit. This unit will tie in nicely with our science unit when we study various landforms and weathering.
As part of Nepali studies and Art, Grade 2 will be taking the following field trips.
1. First Visit: Friday, Feb. 23rd to visit Bungamati Village. We leave early (8:30). Eat snacks some place at Bungamati. We come back for lunch at school.

2. Second Visit: Friday, March 2nd to Pottery- Thimi, we leave after snacks. (10:15) Take packed lunch. Comeback before 2:30 pm.
If you would like to join us for one or both of our trips, please let me know so we can have a proper headcount.

Please be sure students come to school each day with their “Go-Home-Folders.”
It was great to see everyone bring in their warm weather gear. Keep up the good work while we experience this cold weather.
Special Note:
This year we want to heighten our awareness of students with food allergies and sensitivities in order to ensure everyone’s safety at school and school-sponsored events. When preparing snacks/lunches and more importantly, classroom birthday celebrations, please be mindful that there may be students who have allergies or sensitivities to various foods, especially nuts. Currently, our class has no identified food allergies. Should this change, I will let you know.
Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Matt and Ms. Mira