Short Week 24 in G1!

This week in reading, students focused on rereading to be sure to understand what is happening in the book and practiced talking to a partner about what might happen next. Over the mini-break, ask your student to teach you the “This Just In” game!

In writing, we wrapped up reviews about movies, restaurants, vacation spots, toys, and games. Students will continue opinion writing by learning to write convincing book reviews.

Students worked more with fact families and practiced several strategies for subtraction during math: think addition with combinations to 10, think addition with doubles, counting up, and counting back. We tried to use the fastest and easiest strategy for solving different subtraction facts.

The class also enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day this afternoon. We had fun delivering mail and treats to each other. Thank you for my teacher valentines!

Over the mini-break, please be sure your student reads for at least 15 minutes per day (using library books, Take Home Books, RAZ Kids, or other books you have) and practices math (using IXL or other resources on the class website)! 

Upcoming important dates:
  • Thursday 2/15 to Monday 2/19 – Mini Break, no school
  • Tuesday 2/20 – ASA Season 3 begins
  • Friday 2/23 – Fabulous Friday assembly at 8:00 am in the Globe Theater
  • Monday 2/26 & Tuesday 2/27 – Visiting author John Coy
  • Tuesday 3/6 – G1 Art/Nepali Studies field trip to Chobar & Taudaha Lake, 10:00am-2:30pm