Week 32 in G1!
This week in reading, students learned to connect parts of the story together when rereading. We also began a new shared reading book, Mr. Putter & Tabby Drop the Ball, in which our goal is to learn all we can about the characters.
Students worked on showing, not telling, when writing a fiction book and made sure to keep their stories realistic by thinking about what could happen in real life.
We took the Unit 8 assessment in math this week and began our final math unit for the year. I updated the highlighted IXL strands to match what we’ll cover in Unit 9: nonstandard measurement (length), fractions (halves & fourths), place value (number grid patterns), 3D shapes, and number stories (addition, subtraction, comparison, 2-digits, 3-addends).
As part of our Economics Unit today, students made decisions about how families can spend money on needs and wants or save money for the future. Talk with your child about the choices your family makes with money!
If your child will be leaving before the last day of school, Friday, June 1st, please let me know via email as soon as possible. This will help me make sure all assessments are complete and all student materials are gathered.
Upcoming important dates:
- Friday 4/20 – Last day of ASA Season 3
- Monday 4/23 – ASA Season 4 sign-ups begin
- Friday 4/27 – Fabulous Friday Assembly and ASA Season 3 Showcase, 8:00am in the Globe Theater
- Friday 4/27 – Aquathon, 4:00-7:00pm, see Mr. Davis’s email for more info
- Monday 4/30 – Swimming during PE class begins, more info to come
- Monday 4/30 – ASA Season 4 begins
- Friday 5/4 – Spring Music Showcase, 9:00am in Globe Theater
- Saturday 5/5 – Spring Music Showcase, 2:00pm in Globe Theater, transportation provided