Week 6

It is hard to believe that it is already Week 6.  I really do think time flies… or at least it does in 4J!  I am so impressed with the attitude and responsibility shown by your kids.  There was an assembly this morning and as I stood watching the class, I realized how much they respect those on stage, and that they participate fully when required.  They are a great audience!!!


Thank you so much for your support getting your kids ready for the first unit test.  Everyone said that they worked on math and shared the problems with a parent. Today, they finished reviewing the materials and I seem to be ready for the Unit 1 test.  We will take 2-day for the test. The first day will include the unit concepts learned, and the second day will include the challenge and open response. Every odd-numbered unit will include the open response component, while the even numbered units will include a cumulative review.  All units will include a challenge! They will also be given an opportunity to re-engage with the unit tests to correct any misconceptions before turning it in for my final analysis. At the end of the week, we will preview Unit 2: Multiplication and Geometry.

In Reading & Writing Workshop your children continue to work on their fictional stories and deepening their reading lives. In writing, your children take the ideas they have generated, the characters they have developed and the plots they have planned to the next level.  They will use one of their story arcs and begin writing their stories using drama and describing the story’s drama, or rising action, scene by scene. In reading, they will begin to look at all the notes they have created and start building theories about the character’s actions and motivations.  They will also look at the story elements and notice how the author’s craft and story arc help build understanding as well.

In social studies this week, your kids continue to study their democratic country.  They will take a look at the leader and citizens role. They will also continue to build their Google site as a storage place for their research, discussions, and analysis.  They have created the site, named it, and developed a “government” section.

That about covers this week.  As usual, the following is an updated calendar of events:

Sept.  22:    Swim Meet/Volleyball Tournament (Now combined!!!)

Sept. 29:         Welcome Back BBQ  

Oct. 5:             ParentTeacher Conferences

Oct. 15-19:       Dashain Holiday

Oct. 22-26:    Spirit Week

Oct. 23-26:    MAP Testing

Oct. 25-27:    SAISA

I was reading some inspirational quotes this morning and the Dalai Lama spoke to me in a real way.  He once said, “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” I really feel blessed to be part of Lincoln School and the pedagogy that believes in the whole child’s well being.  And, as I help develop your child’s mind, I will not neglect to consider their hearts.

Have a great week,


Mr. J