Brainpop Jr
BrainPOP, Jr.
BrainPOP Jr. offers animated educational movies, quizzes, games, activities, and other resources for K-3 students. Short movies follow the characters Annie and Moby as they explore topics across different subject areas: Science, Math, Reading and Writing, Social Studies, Arts and Technology, and Health. All BrainPOP Jr. resources are aligned to K-3 curriculum. Movies are accompanied by a set of features including leveled quizzes, writing prompts, graphic organizers, games, and more. These features extend the concepts taught in the movie and allow young learners to apply what they have learned. Nearly all text on BrainPOP Jr. is read aloud, reinforcing reading skills and allowing young learners to navigate the site with more independence.
To log in, visit: https://jr.brainpop.com/
Login: lskbrainpop
Password: snowleopard