High School PE Students Receive Lifeguard Training

As one of the culminating activities for Lincoln’s High School Physical Education Swimming and Water Safety unit, our students received some extremely valuable Life-Saving skills.  With the support of our PE team, students were introduced to CPR and AED use. Most students had received this training before and this served as a good refresher for them.
However, our students’ experience in the water was more challenging. They learned how to first fit a cervical collar, before getting into the water to learn how to manage suspected spinal injuries. This procedure included learning how to perform log rolls and vice-grip rolls on suspected spinal victims. Once this had been accomplished, students worked in groups to place the injured swimmers on backboards, using a sequence that is managed by 1st, 2nd and 3rdresponders.

I was extremely pleased with how quickly the students learned during this training and am happy they now have this potentially life saving experience to turn to should a real-life situation ever occur.

Luke Davis