2nd Lincoln School Aquathon
Calling all Lincoln School students, staff & parents!
This is your chance to participate in the 2nd LS Aquathon (1 km swim and 5 km run) held at Lincoln School on Saturday, March 18th from 12.00 to 2.00 pm
Students and parents are encouraged to find rupee cash pledges for each lap they swim (40, 25m laps maximum), and each lap they run (10, 500m laps maximum). Begin collecting your pledges!
Participants do not have to complete the entire distance, or can form a relay of any number of individuals in order to complete the entire distance. Family relays are encouraged!
Funds raised will go towards our Service-Learning initiatives.
This is NOT a race!
Please use the form below to sign-up:
See you on Saturday, March 18th!