Good morning 4J families,   It was great getting to know your kids last week.  We had lots of fun playing name games, getting to know special things about each of us, and learning new procedures.  Your kids were busy writing a classroom constitution and coming up with...

Welcome Back Grade 2 Families We had a great first week of school.  We started out getting to know one another and had some time to catch up with what each other had been doing over the summer. By the middle of the week, we were...

Welcome Back Grade 2 Families We had a great first week of school.  We started out getting to know one another and had some time to catch up with what each other had been doing over the summer. By the middle of the week, we were...

August 4, 2018   Dear Parents,   Welcome to the 4th grade at Lincoln School. My name is Joseph Jaureguy, Mr. J. for short, and I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher for the 2018/2019 school year. This is my second year teaching at Lincoln School, however, I...

It was a wonderful first week of school with all the Primary 1 and Grade 1 kids. They all did a fantastic job transitioning back into the school routine. This week the kids learned that they are all readers. We talked about how there are three...

Happy Friday Everyone! This is just a short update on our Grade Five experience here at Lincoln School: In math, we have dusted off our multiplication skills and jumped into our first unit on area and volume. It even includes finding the area of rectangles with fractional...

How High Can You Go? Grade Five welcomed in the new school year by accepting the challenge of constructing towers out of only paper and tape.  Given forty minutes or so, students planned and carried out an investigation into constructing towers that were as tall as possible...

Will It Float? Today the Grade Fives tackled to the idea of buoyancy by constructing a boat using only tin foil. We planned and tested out our designs by adding washers until the boat sank. The objective of today's activity was for the students to...

Dear Parents,   Greetings and welcome back to school.  My name is Matt Stinson, and I will be teaching grade 2 again this year at Lincoln School.  This is my second year at Lincoln School. Before Lincoln School, I had been teaching in the United States at...

Dear Parents,   Greetings and welcome back to school.  My name is Matt Stinson, and I will be teaching grade 2 again this year at Lincoln School.  This is my second year at Lincoln School. Before Lincoln School, I had been teaching in the United States at...