Primary 1 had a fabulous time sharing their reading and writing successes with all who could join today. They showed off their reading powers and discussed the steps they took to write a narrative story. They are proud of their work and we are proud...

[google-drive-embed url="" title="Elementary Art Newsletter (weeks 17 and 18).pdf" icon="" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]...

Mr. Curtis hands out the long-awaited Beyond the Doors books! [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]...

The Boy Scouts have been working hard this semester and were recognized on Sunday for their hard earned accomplishments! A huge congratulations to Lucas, Parth, Biraj, Kavi, Gabe, Gedis, Carlos, Elliot, Flynn, Artem, Tomas and Elie on all their efforts. They earned badges including, but...

The Lincoln School Boy Scouts have successfully concluded their student organized chess tournament with Artem T crowned champion and Carlos K finishing in a strong 2nd. Congratulations to all the participants!  ...

The martian's landed at Lincoln's Globe Theater on Wednesday night for a wonderful evening of music and performance, where each Elementary School student had a part to play and a song to sing. By the end of the event all was well; the theater had...

Last Friday, the High School Student Council hosted an "Outdoor Movie Night." Students gathered together under the Himalayan stars in their sleeping-bags, sharing pizza, laughter, and a movie as they built Snow Leopard bonds.   ...

The Girls’ basketball team played their first game of the season, and were victorious, defeating Rato Bangala 34-31. Young guard, Ihra H. got the team started with her aggressive drives and baskets. Teammate, Akshara S. gobbled up minutes with her consistent defense and her offensive...