Grade 1 had an amazing musical performance called Patterns in the Sky! After learning about the solar system, students got to participate in a collaborative art and music project where they showcased their new knowledge and musical skills.  It was super fun and we are...

This week, we dove into the enchanting realm of 'The Sixth Portal,' a mesmerizing production crafted by Grade 5 and brought to life by our elementary school performers. We honored the rich tapestry of our community's diversity—12 languages and countless talents in acting, dancing, and...

Mr. U brought the magic (via science) of sound to our Grade 3 Music & Drama Classroom! From water experiments to singing bowls and tuning forks, we felt the vibrations of music everywhere! ...

Students in PS-12 Art, Music & Drama are exploring the theme “We Belong…Together!” as we collaborate and create as a community, while also incorporating our personal cultures and identities. Grade 2 students have enjoyed utilizing puppets to sing our updated “Hello” song, learning to greet...

SAISA Alum, Rachel Seay returned to Lincoln as a guest speaker, introducing students to the French horn. In her interactive presentation, Rachel spoke to elementary and secondary students about the history of the horn, her SAISA and AMIS experiences (including the SAISA Music Festival hosted...

For their spring project, the Elementary Student Council wanted to create an art and performance space just for Elementary students. They looked to previous Secondary School Tiny Stage performances for inspiration and decided to make a smaller version: Tinier Stage! Six elementary acts performed: pianists,...

Elementary students spent their first few days of the semester exploring new auxiliary percussion instruments and their place in orchestras, rock groups, and salsa bands. Grade 3 students formed their own percussion ensembles and created patterns that best represented the unique sound of each instrument. ...

Yesterday, our Elementary Students showcased their music and drama skills in The Search for Snow Leopard Station, an original musical written and produced by Grade 5. Students in Preschool through Grade 5 sang, danced, and acted their way through our core values, teaching us all...