In ES Physical Education, students are working on fitness and fun ways to combine cardiovascular health with coordination. Skipping or jump roping is the ultimate exercise for students to challenge themselves and develop these skills. In Grade 4, students are challenging themselves by learning a...

The audience experienced an emotional rollercoaster ride in 'An Afternoon of Teenage Angst' in Lincoln’s Globe Theater this afternoon. Featuring original monologues and the compelling short play 'Hoodie' by Lindsay Price, the play covered the very relevant topics of high school life, and the beauty of youth...

This week, we dove into the enchanting realm of 'The Sixth Portal,' a mesmerizing production crafted by Grade 5 and brought to life by our elementary school performers. We honored the rich tapestry of our community's diversity—12 languages and countless talents in acting, dancing, and...

College fairs are an important part of the college discovery journey and provide an excellent opportunity to look at a wide variety of schools and talk face-to-face with representatives. Lincoln School takes great pleasure in supporting the USEF College Fairs and individual College/University representatives throughout...

The Model United Nations group from Lincoln attended CHEMUN 17 at the American International School of Chennai this past weekend.  The students gave opening speeches, presented resolutions, debated multiple clauses and amendments, and collaborated with colleagues. The students had fun and were challenged, and through it...

Hosted by the Middle School Sports Leadership Connect Club, this event brought together talented students who showcased their skills in basketball, football, track and field, and tennis. Kudos to all participants who gave their best during the practice session on Thursday, November 16th, and rocked the...

Lincoln welcomed storyteller and author, Priti Agrawal, to the Globe Theater this morning to share her stories with our secondary audience. Having worked with prominent Bollywood celebrities like Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor, and fashion designers like Masaba Gupta to build impactful and sustainable personal...

The Middle School Preloved Partnership Connect Club organized a clothing drive for the victims of the recent earthquake in Jajarkot. The students sorted and packed the donations this week. The LS community donated 15 boxes of clothing, shoes, and blankets - including 100 jackets! The...