During the Grade 12 Service Nepal trip, the Seniors learned, laughed, and most importantly bonded more as a class. They climbed, canyoned, rappelled and rafted. The students also visited our long-time partner school, Bachaladevi, where they connected with classmates, taught lessons, and enjoyed a fun...

On the first day of the Grade 8 Service Nepal trip, the students embarked on their adventure, beginning with a scenic ride on the Chandragiri cable cars, followed by a challenging hike to Chitlang. Warmly embraced by the students of Shree Mahalaxmi Primary School, the...

From lively Tharu cultural dances to student-led volleyball tournaments, the Grade 9 class shared unforgettable moments. Cycling through the village, swimming in the river, and bonding around the campfire strengthened friendships. Amidst the fun, students also dug a 5-foot hole, laid bricks, and cast a...

The Grade 11 Service Nepal trip was one that will not soon be forgotten. The trip involved four days of rafting on the Sunkhosi River. The class camped on a different river beach each night where they had to pitch their own tents and use...

The focus of Grade 10 Service Nepal was to build a house with earthbags for a family in need in the Dhading District. The students learned how to sew and fill earthbags and use them to build the structure of a house. It was hot...

The Grade 6 students began their first-ever Service Nepal trip in Nagarjun National Park! They spent Monday and Tuesday learning how to rock climb and participated in activities focused on teamwork and collaboration. On Wednesday, they began their overnight adventure in Chhaimale. Alongside the Hope...

Grade 6 students explored Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park and the village of Kafleni on Service Nepal! The first days were spent rock climbing, rappelling, and strengthening the class community. On Wednesday, we made the six-hour hike to Kafleni where we enjoyed Smores, UNO, and beautiful...

Grade 7 had the fortunate opportunity to visit Shivapuri for Service Nepal this year. While camping up in the hills, students were able to focus their time and attention on their essential question: Why is water important and how can it be conserved? Students met...

The Grade 10 Service Nepal trip can be defined in four words - UPHILL TREKKING WITH BACKPACKS! The students rose to this challenge with a positive attitude and great camaraderie.  Each night saw the group in a different campsite, some with spectacular views of the...