Grade 11 discussed climate change, water treatment, water safety, and CPR with Shree Sukute School. The students learned how to set up their tents, and make a campfire. Grade 11 bonded as a class on the river, where they learned how to kayak and raft...

Service Nepal for grade 8 took them into the clouds at Chandragiri and down into the Chitlang valley to explore village life, culture, and water resources. Each day, students hiked through forests and fields. From goat milking and cheese making, to water testing with the...

Service Nepal 2022 - 2023 is a wrap! Our seniors traveled near the border of Nepal and Tibet, camping at Borderlands. There, they interacted with students from Bachaladevi school with whom Lincoln shares a 15-year-long relationship. The seniors carried out classes to educate the Bachaledevi...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Nirbhay, who has been at Lincoln since 2019. “My favorite memories are those from the senior trip, and from SAISA swimming in 2019, where my teammates and I...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Saraha, who has been at Lincoln since elementary school. “Senior trip was definitely my favorite memory,” he shared. “I strengthened unbreakable bonds with my peers.” If Saraha could be...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Aaditya, who has been at Lincoln for his entire high school career. “My favorite memories at Lincoln School come from being within the community and participating in activities...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Subash, who has spent his entire high school career at Lincoln. “My favorite memories at Lincoln School are the Service Nepal trips since 9th grade,” Subash shared. If he...

The grade 12 class recently returned to Kathmandu from an adventurous trip to Borderlands, where they traversed, rafted, and rappelled their way past all obstacles in front of them. Surrounded by greenery and the roaring Bhote Koshi river, students participated in several team building and...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2021. Although Seniors all over the world have had their final year impacted by this pandemic, Lincoln School has a number of plans in place to honor the efforts of our graduating...