In ES Physical Education, students are working on fitness and fun ways to combine cardiovascular health with coordination. Skipping or jump roping is the ultimate exercise for students to challenge themselves and develop these skills. In Grade 4, students are challenging themselves by learning a...

This week, we dove into the enchanting realm of 'The Sixth Portal,' a mesmerizing production crafted by Grade 5 and brought to life by our elementary school performers. We honored the rich tapestry of our community's diversity—12 languages and countless talents in acting, dancing, and...

Mr. U brought the magic (via science) of sound to our Grade 3 Music & Drama Classroom! From water experiments to singing bowls and tuning forks, we felt the vibrations of music everywhere! ...

In advance of their first performance of the year, the High School Choir visited elementary students for short performances last week. Students sang the Nepali National Anthem and Alma Mater and elementary students even shared their voices on a few songs. ...

Delicious food, fun carnival games, a splash in the pool, and incredible musical performances made the day unforgettable. And speaking of unforgettable, that powerful rendition of the Nepali national anthem gave us all goosebumps! We had an amazing turnout with 500 people in attendance, and...

Seema's ventriloquist act at Lincoln's Globe Theater had us all in stitches this morning! Now performing on a global stage, she's even shared it with Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld! Don't miss Seema's incredible talent in action – she's proof that dreams can take you...