Elementary students expertly guided their families through their classrooms to show all that they have learned this year. Student-Led Conferences provided an opportunity for elementary students to dynamically share with families their learning, to reflect on their growth as well as their next steps, and...

The Grade 5 students have been spending their morning meeting time dissecting the 90's UK chart-topper, Baz Luhrmann's “Everyone's Free to Wear Sunscreen.”  The lyrics are actually a hypothetical commencement speech for high schoolers but cover concepts that the Grade 5 students used as stepping...

Author John Coy recently visited 3rd-8th grade classes virtually to share with students his writing process and led mini-writing workshops. Mr. Coy previously visited Lincoln School in person in 2018 and it was wonderful to have him back. The library has a number of his...

Grade 3 authors proudly read the adapted fairy tales they wrote in their most recent writing unit with parents and staff. With characters ranging from giants to pickles to toads, their fairy tales were creative and engaging. We can’t wait to read what they write...

After learning about the importance of reducing our impact on the environment through reducing, reusing, and recycling, Mr. Rabi from the company, Kolpa, came to Lincoln School. He shared with us how they reuse materials to create products, such as turning old tire rubbers into...

Yesterday, our Elementary Students showcased their music and drama skills in The Search for Snow Leopard Station, an original musical written and produced by Grade 5. Students in Preschool through Grade 5 sang, danced, and acted their way through our core values, teaching us all...

Lincoln's students participated in their annual Literacy Week this past week, which kicked off with a superhero vs villains book character dress-up day. Other highlights included learning about challenged and banned books, exploring and performing poetry, and book-buddy day, where students carried and shared their...

Students from High School Forensic Science joined with their new friends in Primary 1 for a special science lesson about fingerprinting. All students enjoyed exploring their identity in a scientific way. ...