We spent time reviewing all of our classroom rules, routines, and good habits to start off the New Year. Students also set goals for themselves to work on to make 2018 even better than 2017! The class finished our latest read-aloud book, Pippi Longstocking. Students voted...

Grade 2 News 1/12/2017 We’re Back… Grade 2 came back after a nice long break and were ready to get right to work. We had a very smooth return to school. We began the week with some reminders about classroom rules, roles, and responsibilities. We ended the week...

Grade 2 News 1/12/2017 We’re Back… Grade 2 came back after a nice long break and were ready to get right to work. We had a very smooth return to school. We began the week with some reminders about classroom rules, roles, and responsibilities. We ended the week...

We kicked off a new unit in writing this week on persuasive opinion writing. Each student brought a collection of items to school. To begin our unit, students judged his/her own collection and chose a favorite item. Students wrote his/her opinion and used the word "because"...

Grade 1 presented a winter poem at the assembly on Friday before break began. They also joined the other ES students in singing a song selection from the Winter Showcase. What a great way to end the first semester and begin winter break! [google-drive-embed url="https://drive.google.com/a/lsnepal.com/file/d/1JHCMSl5MXIyZqIb4PA4Sz0-Cutn1ZvpD/preview?usp=drivesdk" title="IMG_4514.MOV"...

In reading and writing, we shared some nonfiction read-alouds and our newly published nonfiction chapter books with P1 & G5, teaching the other students about topics on which G1 students are experts. When we return from break we'll be focusing on reading for comprehension and fluency...

Grade 1 wrapped up our nonfiction units of study in reading and writing this week before the break. In this unit, students became experts on many nonfiction topics and practiced ways to teach others what they learned, by reading aloud like an expert and teaching as...

Over the long winter break, please continue to practice reading, writing, and math with your student! Here are some ideas on how to do this, in addition to the other online learning resources you can always find on our website. [google-drive-embed url="https://drive.google.com/a/lsnepal.com/file/d/1eaJ8VZHEEHVmCfgVGP617EFDBPkVILLm/preview?usp=drivesdk" title="Winter Break Home Practice Ideas.pdf" icon="https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf" width="100%" height="400"...