“I love being with the younger kids,” said Grade 1 teacher, Pam Legere. “They are so genuinely happy about the littlest things. It makes it so easy to come to work.” Pam joined the Lincoln community last year from Maine, USA, and has previously taught...

Brian Hill has been a teacher for more than 25 years, but a musician most of his life. “While getting a degree in music education, I was also going on tour with my band and playing the trombone four or five nights a week,” he...

Students gathered last week to celebrate one month of school and share songs and celebrations with one another. Have a look at some of our favorite moments from the assembly while listening to our fantastic Grade 1 students sing “The More We Get Together” in...

Cara Reid is originally from Canada but joined Lincoln after a long international career in Tokyo, Japan. She loves teaching internationally because of the adaptability and resilience of international students, which causes her to reflect more on her own experiences. She is currently in her...

On the first day of school, our Primary 1 learners shared their hopes & dreams for the school year. One student explained that his goal was to read and write more, while several others exclaimed “Swimming!” as their ultimate aspiration. What are your hopes &...

“Community is people helping each other,” a returning Grade 2 student shared during our Elementary School Welcome Assembly. This definition of community was visible throughout our first day, as compassionate returning students eagerly introduced our new Snow Leopards to campus. All students were an integral...