UES PE: As we continue to develop our jump rope skills for fitness activities, it is important that you perform the following activities: At home, please find something that can be used as a jump rope. This can be an actual jump rope, any other type...

LES PE: In continuation of jump rope fitness, perform the following leg-muscle building exercises: P.1-G.2 Stair jumps - find a staircase (or any 6 inch raised area) and jump up the steps with both feet landing at the same time 10 burpees - standing position, to crouching, to...

LES PE: In continuation of jump rope fitness, perform the following leg-muscle building exercises: P.1-G.2 Stair jumps - find a staircase (or any 6 inch raised area) and jump up the steps with both feet landing at the same time 10 burpees - standing position, to crouching, to...

LES PE: In continuation of jump rope fitness, perform the following leg-muscle building exercises: P.1-G.2 Stair jumps - find a staircase (or any 6 inch raised area) and jump up the steps with both feet landing at the same time 10 burpees - standing position, to crouching, to...

Lincoln School is accredited by two internationally recognized accrediting agencies: the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools/Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), and the Council of International Schools (CIS). Last week representatives from these two organizations came as part of the regular cycle of...

This year, Grade 1 students decided to focus on air pollution in Kathmandu for their service learning project. Students have been asking questions and doing research to find out more about this topic. On Friday, the class took a field trip to Phora Durbar to learn about the...

 Lincoln School's passionate performers put on a marvelous and entertaining show at Labim Mall on Saturday.  Under the direction of Ms. Maura McGlynn and Ms. Iris Kolodji, the musical selection was an eclectic mix which included some holiday songs too! Over forty students sang, danced...

On Friday we took a field trip to Phora Durbar to learn about their air quality monitoring system as part of the research for our service learning project. Students learned from an expert about the monitoring system and why it is important to collect this data. We...