SAISA Alum, Rachel Seay returned to Lincoln as a guest speaker, introducing students to the French horn. In her interactive presentation, Rachel spoke to elementary and secondary students about the history of the horn, her SAISA and AMIS experiences (including the SAISA Music Festival hosted...

  Parents and students sang, danced, and read as a family in our first PS/PK Parent Play. Students enjoyed sharing their learning with their parents, and including them in all of the fun activities in Music & Drama and Library. Thanks to all who were able...

Artists in Grades 3-5 learned about Aboriginal Dot Paintings from Australia, taught by Ms Kriti. The authentic paints are made from hand ground pigments and usually reflect nature. Our Lincoln School artists really capture the essence of Dot Painting! ...

For their spring project, the Elementary Student Council wanted to create an art and performance space just for Elementary students. They looked to previous Secondary School Tiny Stage performances for inspiration and decided to make a smaller version: Tinier Stage! Six elementary acts performed: pianists,...

Our Lincoln School students participated in the first-ever "Art at the Ambassador's," an Art and Music Reception. Artwork from Lincoln School Secondary students is currently installed at the home of US Ambassador Thompson and Mrs. Thompson. They graciously hosted a Fine Arts event to honor...

This year the SAISA Art Team went on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Jordan! Students participated in an Art and Culture exchange. They learned about various types of local art and artists, including a street mural tour and a cooking class. On the final day of...

Sixty-five talented middle school singers from throughout Asia gathered on Lincoln’s campus for three days of music-making, learning, and friendship in the Association for Music in International School’s Asian Middle School Honor Mixed Choir Festival. Through hours of engaged rehearsal, fun activities, an excursion to...

Grade 6 and Grade 2 students celebrate a semester of being class buddies by making gingerbread houses out of cardboard! It was the perfect way to finish a semester of collaboration, fun and new friendships between the two classes. ...

Elementary students have been exploring the basics of computer coding in Art & Design. P1 & Grade 1 have been using Kodable to learn the basics of commands. Grades 2-5 have been using Scratch & ScratchJr to create animated videos and games. Check out their...