Lincoln Middle School students created mini art installations, little models for potential life-sized art installation designs. For this project, students were required to choose a theme to build their work upon. They were also required to include at least one moving part, either powered by...

This Grade 6 performance of Vance Joy’s Riptide are student suggested, arranged, and performed. After choosing this piece, students learned the singing part while online. They transferred this into the classroom by choosing instruments and creating patterns individually and in groups to accompany the piece....

Students in Grades 3 & 4 explored patterns and experimentation in music. Here, Aaron created a modern, experimental piece of music utilizing the recorder and digital instruments in new ways. He used a digital composition platform to create a multi-track composition, accompanied by original artwork....

"Layered Structure Drawings" by High School Foundations of Art Students Students created a unique composition inspired by historical buildings and structures. They drew their buildings three different ways and experimented with watercolor wash. To view the entire online exhibition please go to: ...